A Nice Conversation

This morning I spent two hours on the subject of IR (Investor Relation) and how it is impacted by the social shift online  (a breakfast seminar by Intellecta Corporate och SpareBank 1 Gruppen). IR is a new angel for me so I decided to check out what some experts had to say.

Must say that it was quite interesting listening with a great finish act by SB1. One thing that is similar to most corps, not surprising but non the less, is how this strict, controlled and number driven area of communication react when the social aspect is entered in to the equation. We have a scenario where traditional set ways meet conversation in a not so set way. And we get the now traditional “shit, they are talking to and about us.. shit, shit… what to do now” scenario. This is where one of the speakers form Intellecta (Elias Betinakis) ended his presentation of “what is web 2.0/sm and a lot of Twitter” with an excellent point – for the first time ever companies can actually be personal in their response. This was further discussed by the enthusiastic “Direktør Informasjon og samfunnskontakt” at SB1 – Christian Brosstad – where he encouraged to use common sens, your gut feeling and most importantly be nice and tell the truth. (find the presentation here)

See, it seems that this social thing turns out not to be so bad after all, it is just a conversation with people that actually care about your brand. And if you look at is closely, it is actually a great opportunity! a great opportunity to tell your story, be personal hens building real loyalty for your brand.

All in all a good start to a Thursday morning. Now lets see if I can make our (read: the company I work for) IR preform as well.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Hi Mattias. Nice to hear that you enjoyed the seminar. I was a bit worried that there would be some language difficulties, but i guess it went okay.

    Your blogpost from the seminar was a good round-up of the day.

    Take care.

  2. Mattias says:

    Thanks Chris. No worry about the language, the Norwegian twist just made it more interesting 😉 Keep up the good work.

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